Test for free the electric bike that suits you

Electric bike test experience

Test for free
the electric bike
that suits you

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    in real conditions
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    our different bikes
  • Compare
    our different bikes


  • Europe

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  • Cargofront 900
  • City speed 900 E
  • E Feel 700 S
  • E Fold 100
  • E Fold 500
  • E Fold 900 1
  • E-ACTV 500
  • E-EXPL 500 S
  • E-EXPL 520
  • E-EXPL 520 S
  • E-EXPL 700
  • E-EXPL 700 S
  • E-ST 100
  • E-ST 500
  • E-ST 900
  • Elops 900 E
  • Elops 920 E
  • Gravel AF
  • LD 500 E
  • LD 920 EMore information
  • Longtail R500E
  • Riverside 100 E
  • Riverside 520 E
  • Stilus E-RT

Benefit from expert advice

Discover our electric bikes based on your needs.

Test ride for free

In exchange for an ID, you can test ride the electric bikes offered by the store for free for 30 minutes outdoors. We recommend that you bring a bicycle helmet.

Stay connected

Our experts are available to answer all your questions after your test ride.

Let's check out the electric bikes range

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